Cancelations and Returns

Want to return or exchange! We are here to help!

If you are not satisfied with the product, you can return it and get a refund or an exchange. We try our best to make the return process simple and easy for our valuable customers.

The return or exchange request must be raised within 7 days from the date when the product was delivered. We accept for returns and exchanges of items that are in new condition, unworn, unaltered and not damaged by the customer. Items cannot be returned or exchanged after 7 days of the delivery. If the product you received is damaged in transit or does not come up to your expectations in terms of quality as was promised by us to deliver, we will be bearing the cost of the courier for the return or exchange.

For other reasons of return or exchange the shipping cost of the return will be paid by the customer.

The product that is to be returned or exchanged must have the tags attached to it and must be in their original packaging with the receipt of the purchase present in the package.

The request for the refund or exchange can be raised by sending an email to

An order can be cancelled if it has not been shipped yet.

If an order is already shipped it cannot be cancelled but you can raise a return request once it has been delivered and it will go through the return process (T&C apply).

Order cancellation before the shipping of product qualifies for a full refund on the debit or credit card(or whatever payment process has been used).